As rifle seasons approach and the rut begins to dwindle down mature bull elk can become a little more difficult to find and hunt, as they tend to isolate themselves in secluded timber patches to recover from the rut. During this time, bugling is a sure way to make a bull suspicious and turn him off, but cow calling can be very effective. Old bulls know if a cow hasn’t been bred she will cycle again soon, and when he hears a cow call he just can’t resist checking it out. Many times they will circle downwind and slip in slow and silent, so patients are a virtue.
After weeks of minimal feeding and weight lose during the rut, in an effort to make up for lost time before winter arrives, a bull will take his harem and head for the numerous parks, meadows, and avalanche chutes that dot the high country. Herds of cows, bulls, and spikes will feed out of the surrounding timber during early morning and late evening providing opportunities to ambush them. Shots can range in distance from seventy-five to three hundred plus yards.
These hunts take place during the second and fourth weeks of October. First season bull or cow tags are limited in number, available through the draw, and take zero preference points. Second season bull tags are unlimited over the counter. To save you the hassle, we’ll purchase and invoice you for these tags. Limited cow tags are also available through the draw and take zero preference points.
If you’ve ever dreamed of going on a true horse camp elk hunt, this is your chance. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to experience high country elk hunting the way it was meant to be done. These first and second season rifle hunts are our most popular hunts, and our camp fills up quickly each year. Some of these hunts are booked years in advance, so to guarantee a spot in camp it’s never too early to book.
Don’t wait too long, contact us now to reserve your hunt………